Recognising and Recording Progress and Achievement (RARPA) is a robust quality assurance framework that will effectively monitor and demonstrate the quality of non-regulated provisions in line with requirements set out within the Adult Education Budget (AEB).
Procedures for recognising and recording learners’ progress and achievement are rigorous and purposeful and support achievement for all learners Ofsted (2016).
The criteria set within the stages of the RARPA framework correlates with criteria set in the new Common Inspection Framework (CIF).
It affords flexibility to curriculum construct enabling non-accredited provision to become highly adaptable in response to local need.
It empowers facilitators in education to develop individual study programmes with clear pathways that enables learners with SEN&D to work towards reaching outcomes set in individual Education Health and Care Plans (EH&CP’s).
It is a means of validating progress made towards learner outcomes alongside or in place of a regulated provision.
RARPA is supported by organisational quality assurance processes and would be implemented in line with national inspection requirements and local commissioning priorities.
It is consistent with the clear focus on preparing for adulthood and positive outcomes within the Children and Families Act 2014 and SEN&D Code of Practice.
It provides local authorities, who commission provision for learners with high needs, with clear evidence of learning outcomes. Funding negotiations become less challenging.
Ofsted has said that RARPA is a powerful tool to demonstrate outcomes, and can address many of the issues raised in the ‘Moving Forward’ report.
Does your present curriculum demonstrate outcomes in personalised, non-accredited learning as part of study programmes…?
Are your Foundation and SEN&D High Needs support consistent with the clear focus on preparing the learner for adulthood and positive outcomes within the Children and Families Act 2014 and SEND Code of Practice…?
Does your present curriculum offering provide local authorities, who commission provision for learners with high needs, with clear evidence of learning outcomes…?